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so, let’s say you intend to make a compound sentence where you have one subject and neither want to conjugate so many verbs often nor want to make use of conjunctions, what do you do? Your best bet is to turn to um Ziel zu with infinitive

Content in this post
1. The concept of um ziel zu
2. How to use um ziel zu
3. Zu + infinitive weak & strong verb
4. Zu + infinitive separable verbs
5. Zu + infinitive inseparable verbs
6. Zu + infinitive modal verbs
Table of content for um zeal zu + infinitive

What is UM ZIEL ZU?

The phrase um ziel zu is a very important part of the german language. It is used to express the purpose of an action by linking a main sentence and an infinitive clause as one without using a conjunction or to elongate a sentence by adding two or more infinitives.

When sentences in german are made with this phrase, the conjugated verb is placed at the second position while the other verb(s) goes to the end of the sentence in its finite form. Um zeal zu is actually a combination of three words where;

  • Um means “in other”
  • Ziel can either be “a direct object, an indirect object, an adverb, an adjective or even an idea”
  • Zu means “to”

How to use um ziel zu

Um and ziel are not mandatory in a sentence like zu. Sentences with um ziel zu may or may not be separated with a comma. They are only separated with a comma when either um or ziel or both are used together with zu. But when it involves just using zu, there is absolutely no need for a comma. See the examples below…

The most important part of this phrase is zu. This is because um and zeal can be optional. That is to say, one can actually make a sentence without having to say “in order” or without an object, adverb or adjective. The position of um and ziel is usually fixed in a sentence while zu can be of different positions depending on the type of the infinitive verb.

1. Max reist nach Deutschland, um Medizin zu studieren.Max is travelling to Germany in order to study Medicine.
2. Max reist nach Deutschland, um zu studieren.Max is travelling to Germany in order to study.
3. Max reist nach Deutschland, Medizin zu studieren.Max is travelling to Germany to study Medicine.
4. Max reist nach Deutschland zu studieren.Max is travelling to Germany to study.
Sentences with um ziel zu + infinite verbs

Zu + Infinitive weak and strong verbs

For single verbs without prefix such as weak verbs, strong verbs and auxiliary verbs, zu is placed right before them at the end of the sentence. For example;

1. Meine Eltern haben vor vielen Jahren einen großen Teil von ihrem Gehalt gespart, um ihr eigenes Haus zu kaufen.My parents saved a huge part of their salary many years ago in other to buy their own house.
2. Ich wasche mir oft meine Hände, um gesund zu bleiben.I always wash my hands in order to stay healthy.
3. Paula sucht einen Job, um etwas Geld zu haben.Paula is searching for a job in order to have some money.
Sentences with um ziel zu + verbs without prefix

Zu + Infinitive separable verbs

For separable verbs, zu is placed in-between the prefix and the verb. See examples;

1. Ich möchte ins Ausland leben, um viele Ausländer kennenzulernen.I would like to live abroad in order to get to know many foreigners.
2. Die Frau geht einkaufen, um etwas Leckeres zuzubereiten.The woman is going shopping in order to prepare something delicious.
3. Wegen des Regens hat mein Vater mich angerufen, das Fenster abzuschließen.My father called me to lock up the window because of the rain.
4. Soll ich morgen kommen, um das Haus aufzuräumen, bevor die Party beginnt?Should I come tomorrow in order to clean the house before the party begins?
Sentences with um ziel zu + separable verbs

Zu + Infinitive with inseparable verbs

Unlike separable verbs, here zu is placed directly before the verb and not in-between the prefix and the verb. See examples;

1. Der Brief muss übersetzt werden, um Ihn zu verstehen.The letter must be translated in order to understand it.
2. Wir wollen nach Großbritannien fliegen, um die Königin zu besuchen.We want to go to great Britain in order to visit the queen.
Sentences with um ziel zu + inseparable verbs

Zu + Infinitive modal verbs

With modal verbs, there is always a third verb. the conjugated verb staays in the second position while the modal verb goes to the end of the sentence. Zu is then placed directly before the modal verb. The third verb on the other hand is placed directly before zu. See illustrations belpw;

1. Er will reich sein, um ein sehr schönes Haus kaufen zu können.He wants to be rich in order to be able to buy a very beautiful house.
2. Man braucht ein Visum, ins fremde Land reisen zu dürfen.One needs a visa to travel to a foreign country.
Sentences with um ziel zu + modal verbs

Note that the clause with the um zeal can be flexed. That is, you can begin the sentence with them instead. If this is the case, the verb in the first clause must be placed first after the separating komma just like in subordinate conjunction. See examples below;

1. Um Arzt zu werden, musst du Medizin studieren.In order to become a doctor, you have to study Medizin.
2. Um diesen Brief verstehen zu können , solltest du ihn übersetzt.In order to be able to understand this letter, you should translate it.
Flexed sentences with um ziel zu + infinite verbs

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